Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rune Twister - Finally Released!

We are proud to present our first commercial game - "Rune Twister". It took us a long time to finish. Most of the game graphics were made by Piotr Kadzialka. Thank you for all your help, we appreciate your hard work and patience :).

Enjoy our new trailer which is basically a remake of the older one. We did that intentionally to show you how different our game looks now. You can compare it with the first version by yourself. Full game and demo are available, look here for more details.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rune Twister pre-release trailer

Hello again! Since our last blog update we were very busy. Graphical appearance of our game has been totally renewed. We've also improved gameplay to be more interesting and appealing to the players. Stay tuned because the full version of the Rune Twister is coming out this month!